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The first one,which lasted lifetime

      It was all over between us, we broke-up. But somehow i believed he still loves me even then, even now. I was walking with him, we were side by side. In the hallway at school. We talked like normal friends do . but i felt the tension of love ...i know he did too..         All of a sudden, he put his arm around me the way he'd used to hold me close. O tried to pull away...I didn't wanna be reminded of his touch, his embrace, it would hurt too much . I pulled away but still looked so scared of him..? I didn't answer . He asked me why i looked so scared of him...?I didn't answer. He asked it yet again, and i faced him... I looked into his eyes ...and at that moments my heart busted with love and my soul yearned to hold him tight and never let him go ...Hold him so tight that he will come inside me, and mix with him....He will never separate with me. I didn't mean to tell him how i truly felt but my heart opened my mouth for me and i said "  I L...

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